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Eleventh SC Meeting Kuwait

The 11th meeting of the INTOSAI-Donor Steering Committee was hosted by the State Audit Bureau of Kuwait on 6 September 2018, contiguously with the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee meeting 3-5 September. Together the meetings saw participation from over 70 representatives from SAIs and development partners.

Summary of the 11th Meeting of the INTOSAI Donor Steering Committee


The INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation is a strategic partnership between the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI) and 23 development partners to scale up and strengthen support to Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) in developing countries. It was established with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in 2009. The Cooperation is unique in bringing together partners who share a common goal of enhancing accountability, public financial management, transparency, and good governance through strengthening SAIs. Leadership of the INTOSAI-Donor Steering Committee is provided by Joint Chairs and Vice Chairs from the INTOSAI and donor communities. The World Bank is Chair and Irish Aid is Vice Chair for the Donors. The SAI of Saudi Arabia is Chair and the SAI of the United States is Vice Chair for INTOSAI.

For further information on the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation, please contact the INTOSAI-Donor Secretariat within the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI):

The Donor representatives in the cooperation are: African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Australian Agency for International Development, Austria (Austrian Development Agency), Belgium (Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade, and Development Cooperation), Canada (CIDA), European Commission, France (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), GAVI Alliance, Global Fund, Inter-American Development Bank, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Ireland, Islamic Development Bank, Netherlands, Norway (Norad), OECD, Sweden (Sida), Switzerland (SECO), United Kingdom (Department for International Development), United States of America (USAID), World Bank