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Funding Sources – Donors and INTOSAI

Donors and INTOSAI Body funding sources

The GCP is a matching mechanism where the applicant actively develops the project proposal. The GCP provides guidance to support SAIs in developing Concept Notes to be distributed amongst donors working with SAIs.

To develop a high quality Concept Note it could be useful for applicants to know more about donor practices and understand how providers can support SAIs. As a part of this guidance, Fact sheets have been developed for donor members and INTOSAI members of the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation.

The fact sheets have been developed for information purposes only and do not constitute an offer for support. They provide information on practices among providers of development support, including priority countries, focus areas, support cycles and delivery mechanisms. To learn more about the different delivery mechanisms used by providers, could for example help the applicant make decisions regarding the choice of delivery mechanism.

Improved coordination and harmonization of support to SAIs, are important principles of the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation MoU. The fact sheets provide information on priority countries/geographic areas for the different donors which indicate the donors that operate in the different countries. This information could also help facilitate increased coordination.

To view the individual fact sheets:

Donor Fact Sheets

INTOSAI Bodies Fact Sheets

SAI Capacity Development Fund (SAI CDF)

At the second meeting of the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation Steering Committee, it was agreed in principle to establish a pooled fund as a complement to other funding modalities. A pooled fund was considered to add value to the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation by increasing the support to SAIs in developing countries, increasing coordination among donors, strengthening the focus on SAIs’ strategic and development plans, reducing transaction costs for SAIs and donors, and contributing to improved allocation of support.

The Swiss Government and the World Bank signed an agreement to establish a SAI CDF at a ceremony in Washington on 11th April 2014. Switzerland approved a contribution of 5 million Swiss francs, to be disbursed in instalments. The World Bank administered the trust fund. Switzerland and the World Bank agreed to establish the SAI CDF with Switzerland as the first donor, but designed in a way that allows other donors to join in future.

The SAI CDF complemented existing bilateral arrangements by providing financial support for capacity development to SAIs in line with the principles of the INTOSAI-Donor MoU. The SAI CDF had the following specific objectives



Further information on the fund please contact us at: [email protected]