Peer to Peer Support – INTOSAI Capability Statements
Call for Capability Statements
The revised Global Call for Proposals Strategy recognises that SAIs have unique roles best understood by other SAIs, and that peer support is already established as a credible and independent form of support within INTOSAI. However, the mandate, capacity and restrictions on different SAIs and INTOSAI bodies to deliver peer support varies significantly. Understanding the nature of peer support available is important to both SAIs that require support, and to donors considering financing peer support mechanisms. To bridge this information gap, the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation has issued a Call for Capability Statements, here. This invites SAIs and INTOSAI bodies to submit Capability Statements indicating their capacity and willingness to act as providers of peer to peer support to SAIs in developing countries.
Sources of Peer to Peer Support
The Capability Statements are developed by the respective SAIs and INTOSAI Bodies. Responsibility for each capability statement rests with the authors, and the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation and Secretariat take no responsibility for the accuracy of the content.