AFROSAI Regional Joint Audit Project (2015-2017)
This proposal seeks to build capacity in environmental auditing in AFROSAI member SAIs connected to the Nile River and the Congo Basin Forest. The project focuses on promoting cooperation between participating SAIs to facilitate exchange of information and experiences, and to enable them to develop common environmental audit tools and processes in their respective countries. The project promotes the use of ISSAIs, particularly environmental audit and performance audit standards. Joint reports on the management and use of Nile River and Congo Basin Forest resources and national reports relating to each country’s management of these resources are expected to be prepared and published. National reports will be submitted to governments and finance committees in the participating countries, Joint reports will be submitted to the African Union and the respective countries’ parliaments. The AFROSAI General Secretariat will have administrative and financial responsibility for this regional project, on behalf of the participating SAIs. It will also monitor activities relating to the project. The INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Audit (WGEA) will provide technical and methodological support to the participating SAIs. Support requested: Technical, methodological and financial support Implementing partner: AFROSAI General Secretariat and Participating SAIs.
Providers of support:
The African Development Bank expressed their interest in supporting this initiative partly and a grant of 1 968 100usd was approved.