Audit of SDGs Implementation
IDI’s Audit of SDGs implementation initiative promotes and supports SAI’s role as independent external oversight agencies contributing to the 2030 Agenda. IDI’s SDGs Audit Model (ISAM) provides practical guidance to SAIs building strategic audit portfolios and conducting audits of individual national targets linked to SDG targets.
IDI started piloting ISAM in 2020 by supporting 55 SAIs from across INTOSAI regions. This includes conducting audit of strong and resilient national public health system (linked to SDG 3.d) for 40 SAIs; Cooperative audit of sustainable public procurement (linked to SDG 12.7) for 14 SAIs in Latin America; audit of elimination of intimate partner violence against women (linked SDG 5.2) for SAI Uganda. The support model for these audits include innovative mechanisms like use of data analytics, integrated education and audit support framework, and support for facilitating audit impact.