Capacity development of auditors working for SAIs in OISC/CPLP. Two ten days courses each year – 2014-2016
The proposed project intends to train auditors from Portuguese speaking developing countries in financial audit and performance audit.
The proposed intervention plans one course in performance auditing and one course in financial auditing each year during 2014-2015, to be held by SAI Portugal and SAI Brazil respectively. The training will be in Portuguese, and be a unique opportunity for Portuguese speaking auditors to take part in capacity building training courses.
A copy of the application is available to those interested in providing support. Please
Providers of Support:
SAI Portugal and European Union with UNDP are supporting this proposal.
EC-UNDP supports through the Project “Strengthening technical and functional skills of Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), National Parliaments and Civil Society for the control of public finances in the PALOP and Timor-Leste (Pro PALOP-TL SAI)”, which is fully funded by the European Union and managed by UNDP.
1. Performance Audit – 2015 (Sept / Nov)
Up to 12 representatives from SAI PALOP-TL and additional from SAI PALOP-TL recipient for the training. Status: scheduled. Technical partner: TCU
2.. Financial Audit – 2016 (July / Sept)
Up to 12 representatives from SAI PALOP-TL and additional from SAI PALOP-TL recipient for the training. Status: scheduled. Technical partner: TC Portugal
Capacity development of auditors working for SAIs in OISC/CPLP. Two ten days courses each year- (2014 and 2015)
Performance Audit – 2015 (Sept / Nov) Budget: 40,660 EUR
Financial Audit – 2016 (July / Sept) Budget: 40,660 EUR
Total Budget Audit trainings: 81,320 EUR
Total funding to OISC|CPLP including SAI PMF: 155,102 EUR