Cape Verde – Support to the Court of Auditors
The Court of Auditors of Cape Verde (TCCV) has benefitted from a number of recent donor supported initiatives, including at least one initiative funded by the EC, implemented by PWC, which is planned to continue until 2016.
The proposal documents many of the challenges faced by the SAI, and demonstrates that a number of key initiatives, such as updating its strategic and operational plans, are currently in progress. The requested support covers all areas of SAI capacity development, including: • institutional development to strengthen SAI independence and the legal framework • professional capacity development including HR systems and auditor training, and • organisational systems capacity development, including audit manuals, quality control systems, stakeholder relations, and stronger infrastructure and facilities.
It is recommended that further work on the proposal is undertaken to clarify the SAI’s development needs, how these are linked to its new strategic plan, how competing needs are to be prioritized and sequenced, how these fit with ongoing support, and then to more clearly identify the purpose and planned outcomes and outputs of this specific proposal.
The SAI submitted a draft proposal to the INTOSAI-Donor Secretariat and was provided feedback on this draft, but stated that it did not have the time and resources to strengthen the concept note following feedback.
A copy of the application is available to those interested in providing support. Please
Interest from Potential Providers of Support:
The European Commission (DG Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid) has expressed interest in supporting the proposal.
SAI Brazil has offered in-kind support.
SAIs connected to this project
- Cabo Verde