Dutch constituencies at IMF, World Bank and EBRD 2016
Roll out IntoSAINT and capacity building.
Technical cooperation
The Constituency Programme of the Dutch Ministry of Finance aimed to assist Ministries of Finance and affiliated organizations in constituency countries in achieving (or promote awareness of) European and international standards in the area of transparent and solid public finances. Dutch best practices can be instrumental to achieve that aim.
Our technical cooperation:
Is demand driven: based on firm requests for technical assistance from the country’s Ministries of Finance (or affiliated organisations);
Is mainly delivered by our own experts, exchanging knowledge and experiences with their colleagues in the countries concerned. The experts apply an interactive and tailor made approach in trainings and other activities. The idea is to learn together, not teach.
Is coordinated with the work of EU, International Financial Institutions (IFI’s) and other (bilateral) donors.
Area’s covered by the Constituency Programme
Budget: budget process (preparation, execution, supervision), legislation, audit and control
Tax and customs: tax and customs policy, tax and customs administration
Public Private Partnerships (PPP’s)
Anti money laundering
Export credit insurance
Debt and cash management
Financial markets
Other relevant EU issues (like EU coordination structures)
SAIs connected to this project
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Moldova