Good Financial Governance in Africa – AFROSAI – Phase II
The GIZ programme supports AFROSAI and its language subgroups, technical committees and working groups in the fields of public financial control and the auditing of public institutions. The General Secretariat in Yaoundé is supported in its organisational development and the preparation of environmental audits. Furthermore, AFROSAI is supported in developing a regional methodology of SDG auditing. In order to tackle the underrepresentation of women in SAIs GIZ and AFROSAI developed the Women Leadership Academy.
In Africa, technical cooperation with the African Organization of English-speaking Supreme Audit Institutions (AFROSAI-E) led to a SAI PFM reporting framework—a tool allowing public auditors to assess PFM process performance along the entire budget cycle. The tool assesses core PFM functions and addresses essential institutions, such as the Ministry of Finance, Parliament, and Revenue Authority, in addition to selected spending ministries and departments. Sector ministry selection, which often includes the Ministries of Education and Health, is based on potential impact in achieving the SDGs.