Governance and civil society support – Uganda (2)
Supports quality improvement of audits and reports, coordination with Parliament, establishment of an internal quality management system, and formation of decentralized SAIs. Supports cooperation between SAI, anti-corruption agency, and procurement agency.
Anti-corruption, transparency and integrity
SAIs connected to this project
- Uganda
How the project was initiated
Gender Relevance
Not targeted (marked 0)
Has the project/activity as an objective “the strengthening of the SAI Institutional Framework/ Independence”?
Not targeted Contact person: Beneficiary SAI/Region/Committee
Einar Fogh c/o, Konstanze Ricken Source of funding
German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Other Source of funding
Contact person: Provider of support
Implementing agency(s)
GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) Contact person: Implementing partner(s)
Keck, Nora Type of support
Part of broader PFM reform programme Support modality
Support categories covered
Is support based on beneficiary SAI/INTOSAI region Strategic Plan?
Link to related projects/programs
No related projects/programs
Any other information