GSAI Belize – Phase 1 peer support project 2023-2025
The Auditor General of Belize and and Comptroller and Auditor General of India have formed a peer collaboration funded through the Global SAI Accountability Initiative (GSAI) managed by IDI. This involves peer-based support to improved quality and digitalization of audit processes, digitalization of HR systems, stronger SAI Independence, stakeholder management, and project management and coordination of support.
The SAI of Belize together with other seven SAIs joined the Global SAI Accountability Initiative (GSAI) in 2022. This initiative was launched by the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation as part of its broad work to promote support, independence, performance and benefits of SAIs in developing countries. The initiative is expected to empower the SAI to take forward its own capacity development and reach a new level of sustained capacities and performance. Worldwide experiences of SAI capacity development show that peer-to-peer cooperation can be effective as colleagues have a trustful relationship and can provide relevant advice and training based on similar experiences and challenges. The INTOSAI community has a rich set of guidelines and experiences that can be utilized for capacity development. SAI India has agreed to support SAI Belize and they are currently working together in prioritizing key areas of peer-based support.
A cooperation agreement is expected to be signed by the end of 2024, which will lay out expected results, resources, responsibilities and governance of the project.
IDI has the overall responsibility of the GSAI programme, and its main ambition is to enable other INTOSAI providers to be the main provider of support to the SAIs. As a project partner IDI would enable financial support for project activities and contribute to coordination and mobilisation of resources using its network.’
For more information visit our website
SAIs connected to this project
- Belize