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Kosovo Twinning II- Further support to the Office of the Auditor General of Kosovo to reach EU good practice standards

Beneficiary level: Country
Project status: Ongoing
Duration from: 2012-09-01
Duration to: 2015-03-01
Total budget (US Dollar): $1955354
DAC Income classification: Lower Middle Income Countries

Overall objective of this project is to ensure proper stewardship of public funds, transparency and effectiveness in public spending through the improvement of the public financial management system and the creation of an effective public governance framework in Kosovo and buidling confidence in public spending by enhancing public accountability. The project purpose is to support the Office of the Auditor General to continue buidling up a full functional Kosovo National Audit Office, to further develop its capacities for sustainable delivery of its mission’s objectives, and to make the OAG-K to take its place amongs the SAIs of Europe.
The fiche focus on:
– quality in the individual assignments
– quality in Corporate Governance
effectiveness in the audit process and impact
– sustainability and ownership.

SAIs connected to this project

  • Kosovo
How the project was initiated
Gender Relevance
Has the project/activity as an objective “the strengthening of the SAI Institutional Framework/ Independence”?
Contact person: Beneficiary SAI/Region/Committee
Source of funding
European Union
Other Source of funding
Contact person: Provider of support
Implementing agency(s)
United Kingdom National Audit Office, Netherlands Court of Audit and Court of Audit of the Republic of Slovenia, SAI of Estonia
Contact person: Implementing partner(s)
David Goldsworthy, Technical Co-operation Manager, Project Leader,, +44 (0)20 7798 7514
Type of support
Stand alone project
Support modality
Support categories covered
Organisational capacity, Financial audit, Performance audit, Other form of support
Is support based on beneficiary SAI/INTOSAI region Strategic Plan?
Link to related projects/programs
No related projects/programs
Any other information