Management Development programme, Mongolian National Audit Office
The goal of the project was to support MNAO to implement its strategic goal “To develop and maintain audit quality management system” for FY 2007-2010 through strengthening the capacity of its management, improving quality assurance, leadership skills, cooperation between MNAO and the Parliament and incorporating best practices into its audit quality and assurance improvement.
The specific activities were as following:
1) To develop training materials and conduct training for audit managers and potential audit managers who supervise performance audit. The main training was conducted in Mongolia in September 2009 in the form of a two week work shop in performance audit and management
2) In March 2010 a delegation from the Mongolian Parliament and MNAO was in Norway, visiting the Parliament and the Office of the Auditor general of Norway (OAGN) for the purpose of learning and sharing experience on the relations between SAIs and Parliaments
3) A peer review of MNAO was undertaken by the Swedish National Audit Office (SNAO) and OAGN, lead by SNAO. The focus of the Peer Review was the performance audit function and institutional issues. The report was published in March 2011
SAIs connected to this project
- Mongolia