Mozambique – Training and Education for Tribunal Administrativo
The main objective of this project is to support the creation of capacity in Mozambique’s Supreme Audit Institutions (the Mozambican Tribunal Administrativo or TA) to provide its audit staff with internationally-accepted continuous professional auditing education, training and certification The project has seven components: Component 1: Develop induction e-learning program for the new staff Component 2: Training materials for the Pre-Certification Education Component 3: Run the Pre-Certification – classroom training Component 4: Conduct Certification Entry exam Component 5: Training materials for Level-1 Certification Component 6: Run the Level-1 Certification – classroom training Component 7: Conduct Level-1 Certification exam. Key details of the project are summarized below. As of 2016 the Mozambique project effectively has been under implementation for just over two months. In this short timeframe, the key achievements are summarized below – further details are available in the Implementation Status and Results Report (ISR) in Annex 5: • Preparation of the draft Terms of Reference for the content, methodology as well as syllabus for the main education/learning consultancy • Identification of five potential tertiary education institutions to be the training providers
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- Mozambique