Palestine -Develop the State Audit and Administrative Control Bureau (SAACB) of Palestine’s Capacity in the field of Quality Assurance
The purpose of this project is for the SAACB to become an external audit institution applying ISSAIs with regard to quality assurance, especially ISSAI 1 and 40.
This is a focused proposal designed to introduce quality assurance processes into the SAI, as a driver for continual improvement to audit quality. Development of quality assurance is a priority in the SAI’s strategic plan, and builds on the SAI’s participation in an IDI quality assurance program in 2012.
The SAI developed and endorsed quality assurance guidelines in 2013 and seeks assistance in implementing these, both at the organizational level, as well as at the levels of financial and performance audits. The SAI is currently implementing four projects with different providers of support (World Bank, EC, USAID, Swedish National Audit Office). This initiative is designed to complement and enhance the outputs and outcomes from the other projects.
The total cost of the proposed project is USD 260,000 of which USD 60,000 will be covered by the SAI.
A copy of the application is available to those interested in providing support. Please
Interest from Potential Providers of Support:
The European Commission (DG Development and Cooperation – EuropeAid) has expressed interest in supporting the proposal.
SAIs connected to this project
- Palestinian Territories