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Policy Planning and Governance

Beneficiary level: Country
Project status: Ongoing
Duration from: 2012-01-01
Duration to: 2014-12-31
Total budget (US Dollar): $1253904
DAC Income classification: Least Developed Countries

Support to the office of the Auditor General (SAI) and seminars for the Public Accounts Committee of the Parliament. Specific objectives: i) improving capacity of oversight institutions with regard to PFM reforms; ii) updating audit manuals; iii) expanding IT use; iv) training in IFMIS; v) auditing ministerials Financial Systems; vi) improving follow-up of audit report done by the Public Accounts Committee.

SAIs connected to this project

  • Lesotho
How the project was initiated
Gender Relevance
Has the project/activity as an objective “the strengthening of the SAI Institutional Framework/ Independence”?
Contact person: Beneficiary SAI/Region/Committee
Source of funding
European Commission
Other Source of funding
Contact person: Provider of support
Lars WILKE - email: [email protected]
Implementing agency(s)
Contact person: Implementing partner(s)
Type of support
Stand alone project
Support modality
Support categories covered
Organisational capacity
Is support based on beneficiary SAI/INTOSAI region Strategic Plan?
Link to related projects/programs
No related projects/programs
Any other information