Regional East-African Cooperation 2021 – 2024
As a result of internal decision to gradually substitute the bilateral cooperations with SAIs of Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya, in October 2020, the Swedish National Audit Office invited the SAIs of Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda to establish a regional cooperation that aims at strenhening the capcitites of the SAIs in question in the fields of cooperation that are of interest. All four SAIs accepted Swedish NAO’s initiative, called Regional East- African Cooperation. This cooperation is linked to the corporate/strategic plans of the participating SAIs, and the Regional East-African Cooperation supplements the support provided to the SAIs concerned by AFROSAI-E and other development partners. The field of cooperation proposed by the participating SAIs are: Communication (status – launched), Financial and Comoliance Audit (status – in the pipeline), IT audit (status – launched in May 2023), Performance Audit (status – launched), Quality Control & Quality Assurance (status – launched), Other Develeopment Areas (Project Management Capacity Building status – launched). The Regional East-African Cooperation is demenad driven, and it provides the participating SAIs with a virtual and in-person forum to meet, share experiences, discuss matters of mutual interest etc. The Swedish NAO covers accommodation and conference costs, while the participating SAIs cover their travel cost. The estimated budget of the Swedish NAO is around USD 500,000.
SAIs connected to this project
- Kenya
- Rwanda
- Tanzania
- Uganda