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Shared use of Information to Improve the Fight Against Corruption in Chile (CH-T1091)

Beneficiary level: Country
Project status: Completed
Duration from: 2010-08-19
Duration to: 2014-06-05
Total budget (US Dollar): $270033
DAC Income classification: Upper Middle Income Countries

The objective of this program is to improve the effectiviness, opportunity and transparency of the investigation and tought of corruption in the public function, trougth the use of shared and transparent information about report and investigations.

SAIs connected to this project

  • Chile
How the project was initiated
Gender Relevance
Has the project/activity as an objective “the strengthening of the SAI Institutional Framework/ Independence”?
Contact person: Beneficiary SAI/Region/Committee
Source of funding
Inter-American Development Bank
Other Source of funding
Contact person: Provider of support
Cordovez, Carlos Mdrnztn of State Lead Spec, ICS/CCH, Francisco Lois ([email protected]) Fiduciary Specilist.
Implementing agency(s)
Contact person: Implementing partner(s)
Type of support
Stand alone project
Support modality
Support categories covered
Organisational capacity
Is support based on beneficiary SAI/INTOSAI region Strategic Plan?
Link to related projects/programs
No related projects/programs
Any other information