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Accelerated Peer-Support Partnership programme (PAP-APP) Phase 2

Beneficiary level: Global
Project status: Partly supported
Duration from: 2020-01-01
Duration to: 2024-12-31
Total budget (US Dollar): $1890000

The Accelerated Peer-support Partnership programme or Partenariat d’Appui Accéléré par des Pairs in French (PAP-APP) is a joint initiative of IDI, AFROSAI-E and CREFIAF established in 2018. The first phase of the programme focused on providing in-depth support to nine SAIs operating in some of the most difficult circumstances: the SAIs of DRC, Eritrea, The Gambia, Guinea, Madagascar, Niger, Sierra Leone, Togo and Zimbabwe. The nine SAIs were supported to strengthen their strategic management systems and prepare plans for long-term capacity development. The SAIs had been selected by the INTOSAI Donor Cooperation as a part of the Global Call for Proposals (GCP) – a mechanism seeking to match SAI capacity development proposals with donor or INTOSAI funding. It aims to empower SAIs in developing countries to drive forward their capacity and performance by ensuring proposals for capacity development are SAI-led and aligned with the SAI’s strategic plans.
The second phase of PAP- APP will have a new emphasis on cross-country learning and capacity building of providers involved in supporting the SAIs. It will also have a global outreach component to share experiences and good practices in supporting challenged SAIs in areas such as strategic change management, external support coordination and gender equality.
The expected outcomes of the phase 2 programme are an increasing number of peer-providers involved in support to the most challenged SAIs and effective delivery of these projects. The main programme outputs are expected to be:

  • Good practices for managing and delivering support to highly challenged SAIs are shared
  • Well trained resource persons are involved in support to the GCP Tier 2 SAIs
  • Good practices for strategic change management, coordination and gender, inclusion and diversity shared and utilized among providers
  • Good stories and approaches of SAI development and support to highly challenged SAIs are shared globally in collaboration with CBC

Programme strategy 1: Contribute to increased and high-quality peer-to-peer support to SAIs in challenging environments
The Phase 2 support will concentrate on enabling the providers of support to succeed in managing identified projects and achieve results when projects are established. We expect the projects to be highly challenging, due to several reasons such as unpredictable environment, limited absorption capacity, resistance to change and setbacks. For providers it may be difficult to ensure synergies across different support interventions and establishing the right dynamic of cooperation with the SAI.
The programme will share good practices and approaches for project management, such as in the areas of project design, resourcing, reporting, monitoring and follow-up, logistics and finances. The programme will also seek to share and stimulate learning among providers on how principles for good capacity development to SAIs can be implemented in practice.
This will be done by experience sharing among the providers of support to the SAIs. In cooperation with the providers involved, joint trainings of resource persons will also be offered. Several providers have such general trainings, and these will be complemented by topics particularly relevant for the highly challenged SAIs. This will be done in cooperation with the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee working group on peer-to-peer cooperation,[1] led by SAI Netherlands for 2020-2022. It will be done within each region and sought linked to the regional events, to avoid duplication of efforts and cost-efficiency. The material developed by the CBC workstream of Audit in Complex and Challenging Contexts[2] will be utilized, such as the guide State building in fragile situations – the role of Supreme Audit Institutions and their international partners.
Programme strategy 2: Build strong competencies and share best practices for support in the areas of strategic change management, coordination and gender actions
The programme grant will enable the programme to develop and share best practices for providing support to the SAIs in three selected areas:

  • SAI Strategic change management
  • SAI coordination of partners and projects
  • SAI actions for , diversity and inclusion

For these three areas it is assumed the PAP-APP partners have a comparative advantage given the role in Phase 1 and the global and regional roles in capacity development. It is also assumed that there are few other providers available who can take these roles. For instance, there are several strong SAIs interested in supporting the challenged SAIs, but peers mainly have their available resource persons in the audit domains. For peers it is often too resource intensive to play a role of advisor in strategic change or coordination of various providers of support.
Programme strategy 3: Contribute to global sharing of good practices of support to highly challenged SAIs and good stories of how such SAIs strengthen their capacities and performance
Through the support to the SAIs, the PAP-APP partners gain experience of working with SAIs in challenging contexts. In collaboration with the INTOSAI CBC workstream on Auditing in Complex and Challenging Contexts, efforts will be done to compile good stories from the SAIs and share these globally. “Good stories” are short and inspiring stories showing how a SAI has addressed or managed to overcome challenges related to a complex situation. There can be stories about both the experiences related to both supporting and management of SAIs in such situations. Through the CBC working group on peer-to-peer support it will also be sought to share material and approaches developed through the PAP-APP programme support globally.
The PAP-APP programme was developed as a response to the Global Call for Proposals Tier 2.[3] The INTOSAI Donor Cooperation is considering developing a new round of the Global Call for Proposals Tier 2 for a new group of SAIs. The PAP-APP approach to enable strategically based and SAI-led support to the SAIs can potentially be replicated to other SAIs in challenging situations, enabling them to significantly strengthen their capacities and performance. Through the evaluation of the PAP-APP phase 1 and regular compilation of lessons learned, the programme hopes to contribute to well-designed support for SAIs in similar situations. The programme will enable resources for contributing to planning a possible new round of GCP Tier 2.
[1] See here:
[2] See here:
[3] See more here :
See IDI webpage about the programme here: Accelerated Peer-support Partnership (PAP-APP) (

SAIs connected to this project

  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Eritrea
  • Guinea
  • Madagascar
  • Niger
  • Sierra Leone
  • The Gambia
  • Togo
  • Zimbabwe
How the project was initiated
Global Call 2017
Gender Relevance
Has the project/activity as an objective “the strengthening of the SAI Institutional Framework/ Independence”?
Contact person: Beneficiary SAI/Region/Committee
Jostein F. Tellnes, IDI
Source of funding
European Commission
Other Source of funding
Contact person: Provider of support
Susanne Wille
Implementing agency(s)
INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI), AFROSAI-E and CREFIAF
Contact person: Implementing partner(s)
Jostein F. Tellnes, [email protected], +47 47327251
Type of support
Stand alone project
Support modality
Peer to Peer support
Support categories covered
Is support based on beneficiary SAI/INTOSAI region Strategic Plan?
Any other information
The SAIs selected for the Global Call for Proposals Tier 2 have expressed needs for financial, technical, coordination and policy level dialogue and advocacy support to implement their strategic plans starting in 2020. Most SAIs have clearly stated they prefer continued peer-based technical support for this. For peer-based support to the SAIs in Phase 2, our recommendation for donors is to consider the following options in a prioritized order:
  • Funding directly to the SAI, which then reimburses peers’ costs
  • Funding to a peer-SAI for working long-term with a SAI
  • Funding to AFROSAI-E or CREFIAF for leading peer-based projects in their regions
  • Funding to IDI for leading peer-based projects (an option when other INTOSAI providers are unable to take the lead)
These funding channels can be combined, where a development partner for instance partly channels funds directly to the SAI and partly to a peer or regional organization. We still recommend there is one project document for each SAI, as well as joint steering and reporting mechanisms. For continued crosscutting support in addition to country-level funding, an option for donors is programme-level funding for the PAP-APP as registered as a project here. This is a joint programme of IDI, AFROSAI-E and CREFIAF, where IDI is financially responsible. The programme will support all providers of support to the GCP Tier 2 SAIs, and ensure synergies and joint activities across the SAIs and projects.