IDI -Strengthening Audit Capacity and Fighting Corruption 2015-2020
The purpose of this initiative is to enhance sustainable economic prosperity for the poor in developing countries by improving enabling factors that drive sustainable economic growth. This project increases the ability of country partners to attract and host foreign investment, and provide a base for domestic business growth. It lowers environmental and political risk, capitalizes on emerging opportunities, and promotes the equitable sharing of the public benefits of this investment and growth. The project will achieve this by strengthening the capacity of national supreme audit institutions in developing countries to improve governance systems. Activities include: (1) working with developing country supreme audit institutions to prevent and detect fraud and corruption through a combination of training and support in carrying out audits; (2) delivering certification programs in order to bring supreme audit institutions in line with international audit standards; and, (3) building the capacity of supreme audit institutions to work cooperatively with societal actors that can persuade governments to implement audit recommendations (such as parliaments, civil society organizations, and the media).
Grant for 6,000,000usd