Support for the capacity development to the Comptroller General’s Office of the Republic, 2012-2016 – Strengthening the Internal Control of the Paraguay Public Institutions
This is a project developed as part of the SAI’s response to its responsibilities under the UMBRAL Programme, an initiative of the Government of Paraguay to fight corruption. One of the programme components is “to strengthen the control systems and participation of civil society in the monitoring activities of the SAI” the output of which is the elaboration of Paraguay’s Standard Model of Internal Control (MECIP), a tool which allows better control of the performance of institutions through the implementation of internal control mechanisms and financial information.
The SAI has assumed the leading role in design and development of MECIP within state public institutions leading to its institutional goal to “encourage the culture of control in public servants and citizenship”.
The programme has three components, the main thrust of which is the establishment of a Formation Centre, installed and equipped and with staff specialising in training and includes the provision of vehicles to carry out regional roll-out of the programme under the third component, leverage of control culture to public servants and citizens. This will also involve liaising with other institutions such as the Ministry of Education and Universities to encourage the inclusion of teaching modules about control. The SAI is providing funding for the building of the Centre and will also fund the component aimed at developing the culture of control within the CGR from its own resources. The funding request is thus for equipment, furniture and vehicles for the centre.
A copy of the application is available to those interested in providing support. Please
Interest from potential Providers of Support:
The World Bank is currently supporting the strengthening of the SAI through a SFLAC Trust Fund Grant. The proposal appears to be complementary to activities/objectives financed by the SFLAC TF Grant, which is focused on: (i) assistance in the assessment of the institutional capacity, design of an action plan; and preparation of staff training strategy; (ii) development of a quality review scheme; (iii) training of audit staff in core modern audit skills and staff exchange program with a reputable SAI from the region or outside LCR, and (iv) enhancing public knowledge of audit services. World Bank donation will be finished by the end of june 2014.
In addition, the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) has officially started executing a project that includes financing IT equipment and furniture for the new Formation Center. This center is under the last stage of construction.
SAIs connected to this project
- Paraguay