Supporting the Organisation of Latin American and Caribbean Supreme Audit Institutions
In order to be able to offer Latin American SAIs professional services that will assist them in establishing external financial control mechanisms, the Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (OLACEFS) must have efficient structures and procedures that enable it to initiate and steer learning processes among its member states.
The aim is to strengthen OLACEFS’ institutional, technical and organisational capacities with a view to improving external financial control mechanisms in the region. Advisory services are provided for the president’s office, secretariat, committees and commissions. The aim of the advisory services is to support the establishment of a peer-to-peer platform for exchanging know-how and promoting mutual learning, as well as to help define the roles of national audit bodies in the context of dynamic state reform processes.
The project provides professional, process-based, organisational and strategic advisory services in three components:
Institutional consolidation
Methodological excellence
Strengthening the legitimacy of the supreme audit institutions
The project complements the country-specific approaches of German development cooperation at regional level.