Tanzania-Mainland and Zanzibar National Audit Offices Capacity Building Project
The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve the quality and efficiency of public sector audit in line with the standards endorsed by the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), thereby strengthening oversight over the management of public resources in Tanzania. The proposed project will enable the NAOs to effectively carry out complex and specialized audits in order to contribute to efficiency, transparency and accountability in the use of public resources. More specifically, the project objective will be to develop various measures for: • Developing capacity to enable audit staff to acquire knowledge on extractive industry so as to be able to audit the revenues and associated expenditure in the industry in line with EITI standard. • Improving capacity for specialized audit skills such as value for money/performance audit, forensic audit, social audits, IT and risk based audit using the international auditing standards as a benchmark. Priority will be given to IT and value for money/performance audit. • Partnership with the key stakeholders like PACs, PCCB, media, CSOs, citizens, who can support the SAI’s work by pressing for needed changes.
SAIs connected to this project
- Tanzania