United Nations / SAIs Capacity Development Initiative 2014-2015 – fellowship program
This concept note seeks to establish a fellowship program for SAI staff from developing countries, to strengthen their professional audit capacity and knowledge through working with the United Nations and its funds, programs and specialized agencies audit function and also other developed country supreme audit institutions. UNDESA proposes a pilot program targeting SAI staff from countries on the DAC list of least developed countries. Within this pilot, the funding sought is to cover the fellowship stipends, air travel and other miscellaneous costs for four fellows for a period of six months each. Subject to results from the initial pilot, this could be scaled-up in future. This fellowship program seeks to strengthen audit knowledge, skills and tools to support planning, conducting, reporting and following up on recommendation in relation to public sector audit work. It includes hands-on audit implementation techniques and various training opportunities, while participating in the audits of international agencies and other public sector entities.