INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation Results System 2016-18
The results system seeks to facilitate monitoring, reporting and evaluation of the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation (the Cooperation), including its relevance and contribution to sustainable performance improvements in SAIs, and ultimately the contribution of SAIs to Sustainable Development Goal 16.6: Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels. The Cooperation’s value proposition focuses on bringing together partners with shared goals, influencing policies and priorities, changing behaviours to strengthen collaboration, facilitating more effective support to strengthening SAIs, and communicating the results and successes of the INTOSAI and Donor communities in strengthening SAIs.
The necessary components of the results system are indicators, baselines, milestones and targets at relevant levels of the results chain, including contribution (as distinct from attribution) to the Global Objective and Cooperation Objective.1 It also identifies data sources, drawing where possible on existing data, and the responsibilities, frequency and cost of data collection. Baselines are drawn inter alia from the 2014 Global SAI Stocktaking report, which draws on a number of diverse underlying data sources, as well as IDI’s Strategic Plan Results Framework, which in addition draws on aggregated and anonymized information from SAI PMF assessments. These are supplemented by indicators and baselines from the Cooperation’s 2014 Performance and Financial report.