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Fifteenth INTOSAI-Donor Steering Committee Meeting

The 15th INTOSAI-Donor Steering Committee Meeting was held virtually in September 2022. The theme for the meeting was ‘Coordination – How can partners draw in the same direction to support SAIs.’ 

The meeting consisted of two topical open sessions as well as the closed IDC Steering Committee Session. The 15th Steering Committee (SC) meeting was also conducted in two sessions to facilitate participants from all time zones on 27 September 2022. 

A recording of the first open session is available below, in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.

Open Session 1

How can INTOSAI help improve coordination? 

Key INTOSAI players and partners share experience and discuss on which capacities are needed to enable Supreme Audit Institutions to better coordinate capacity development efforts. It also explores how INTOSAI can partner internally and with external partners to help SAIs implement support efficiently.

Mohamed M. Ali  – Auditor General, SAI Somalia
Allizon Milicich – Fiduciary Senior Financial Management Specialist
Jan van Schalkwyk – Executive, SAI South Africa, Chair of CBC