Twelfth SC Meeting Tokyo 2019
The INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation Steering Committee had its 12th Meeting jointly with the CBC annual meeting in Tokyo during 1-4 July 2019. Main discussions centered around the Global Call for Proposals, the new strategy 2020-2030 for the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation and how can the donor community support SAIs facing threats to their Independence.
In regards to the Global Call for Proposals Tier 2 the main points highlighted in the plenary were:
• The need to secure funding for the next phase of the GCP Tier 2 programme;
• Barriers encountered by the donors to be able to provide support;
• Level of capacity currently provided by the three implementing partners; And the extent to which Cooperation members would be interested in expanding Tier 2 to other regions.
Regarding Tier 1, the Steering Committee focused on discussing the current strengths and weaknesses of the GCP Tier 1 mechanism as well as its concept. The IDI team made clarifications regarding the GCP as a service that is provided to SAIs in need of assistance in writing concept notes for funding. The IDI further explained that this advisory role is complemented by bridging asymmetries of information within SAI-Donor engagements.
IDSC was informed about the reestablishment of quarterly donor coordination meetings, the first one being in October 2019.
In addition, the Steering Committee held its first strategic discussion on SAI independence, covering four topics. A more detailed write-up of the session is attached. There is now significant momentum behind the SAI independence agenda, and all partners expressed interest in working together to translate this into concrete and coordinated action.
The Steering Committee approved the new INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation Strategy for 2020-2030 appreciated the work of the drafting group, consisting of Mohammed Al-Habib (GAB), Natalie Bertsch (SECO), Ole Schøyen (IDI), Susanne Wille (EC) and led by Mike Hix, from US GAO, for drafting the strategy.
The summary of the meeting can be found below.