CDC Guinea PAP-APP Phase 2 Peer Support Project
In 2020, the Court of Auditors of Guinea adopted an ambitious strategic plan, covering the period 2020-2024 (see the previous programme page for details). It frames its vision of being “an independent, professional, efficient and exemplary Supreme Audit Institution (SAI), recognized for the effectiveness, quality and usefulness of its work”. In this context, the Court has signed a new cooperation agreement with IDI and CREFIAF, which objective is to enable the Court to successfully implement the strategic priorities selected for the period 2022-2024.
The cornerstone of this collaboration is based on mobilizing peers to promote mutual learning. A team of peers from the Court of Auditors of France collaborates with IDI and CREFIAF to advise the authorities of the Court in the conduct of the following reforms:
- Strengthening of strategic management. In order to align with modern management practices, the Court of Auditors is committed to structure its annual planning cycle on an operational plan and new monitoring routines, including the production of quarterly monitoring reports. It will also prepare and publish an annual results-based performance report, indicating the degree of achievement of its strategic and operational objectives.
- Optimization and coordination of external support. This partnership aims to play a catalytic role in attracting and managing additional technical and financial partners.
- Conducting a compliance audit in the area of gender, diversity and inclusion. In its strategic plan, the Court has committed to internalizing gender and social inclusion policies. One of the planned actions is the realization and publication of gender, inclusion and diversity audits. A team of peers will assist the Court on the conduct of the audit cycle (planning, data collection and reporting) and on aligning its audit practices with international standards. Also, the Court is committed to developing and implementing its first gender, social action and well-being action plan.
The Court of Auditors is a key player in strengthening public finance management in Guinea. By progressively exercising its jurisdictional, control and advisory powers, it ensures the proper management of public funds, budgetary transparency and the improvement of public policies.
SAIs connected to this project
- Guinea